Our digital solution improves healthcare access and translates impact into data for compliance and auditable sustainability claims.

Our digital solution improves healthcare access and translates impact into data for compliance and auditable sustainability claims.


In a fair and sustainable supply chain, everyone wins. Farmers enjoy better health and livelihoods, while customers achieve their sustainability goals, minimize the risk of reputational damage and comply with regulations, and increase productivity and consumer trust.

Elucid’s solution for fair and sustainable supply chains revolves around three key components: Health Coverage, Risk Management and Reporting, and Social Impact Content.

Our data

Track your impact and
connect other programs
such as agroforestry

Our data portal offers a comprehensive representation of your impact, providing solid data to substantiate sustainability claims. It includes aggregated data on medical treatments, care quality, and socio-economic indicators. The data is analyzed to showcase the impact of your health programs on health, income, child labor, and illegal logging, with convenient options to upload and visualize external data. Customize reports effortlessly to align with international ESG frameworks, following EU & GRI standards.


  • Digital Wallet
  • Digitised Savings Groups
  • Mobile Money Payments
  • Performance-based incentives
  • Machine learning-based claims adjudication
  • Healthcare Provider Portal

Our health program

Our program components complement and support national policies and are applied to fit local contexts

The emergency fund covers costs for life-saving care, including accidents, medical emergencies, emergency referrals, complicated deliveries, hospitalizations, and specialized medical diagnostics like lab tests, scans, X-rays, and ultrasound.

National health systems often suffer from coverage and service gaps. We bridge these gaps by extending coverage to include WHO-accredited medications and treatments, particularly focusing on maternal care for pregnant women and newborns. Our aim is to minimize out-of-pocket costs and provide comprehensive healthcare support.

If available, we enroll small-scale producers into the national health insurance scheme, manage yearly renewals, and provide treatment data to national health authorities. Additionally, we collaborate with health centers to enhance the quality and timeliness of care

If available, we enroll small-scale producers into the national health insurance scheme, manage yearly renewals, and provide treatment data to national health authorities. Additionally, we collaborate with health centers to enhance the quality and timeliness of care

We offer targeted health campaigns either as part of the comprehensive health program or as stand-alone initiatives. Such campaigns focus on: maternal and child health (sensitization, antenatal care, safe deliveries), vaccinations (recommended childhood vaccines, new malaria vaccine), and vision screenings (screening & distribution of eyeglasses)

How we do it

We assess local health centres and recruit community agents from our target communities to ensure a smooth integration of the program

Onboard Healthcare Providers

After a context assessment, selected healthcare providers are provided with tablets and trained on platform usage and management of beneficiary, claims and reimbursements.

Onboard Community Agents

Community agents are onboarded and serve as patient advocates. They are paid via mobile micro payments based on performance.

Conduct Sensitisation Campaigns

Community agents conduct regular sensitisation campaigns, support healthcare access and collect feedback on the ground.

Register small scale producers

Community agents enrolled farmers who then seek care at healthcare providers via (digital) membership cards.

Track and share impact

Our sustainability

Provide auditable representation of your impact

We offer tailored services to assist clients in communicating their impact, fostering loyalty and trust from consumers, and ultimately driving sales. Whether creating social media content or providing visual resources, newsletters, and impact reports, we’re here to support your journey.